Untitled (P-5)
Untitled (P-5)
Untitled (P-5)
Untitled (P-5)

Untitled (P-5)

Regular price $425.00 Sale

Sam Francis, American (1923 - 1994) - Untitled (P-5). Year: 1980, Medium: Poster, Edition: 1200, Size: 27.5 x 19.5 in. (69.85 x 49.53 cm), Printer: Bob Blair and George Page at Blair Litho, Los Angeles, Publisher: Centre International de Creation Artistique, Abbaye de Senanquem Gordes, Grance, Reference: Lembark P-5 Poster for a Sam Francis exhibition organized by the Centre Internatinoal de Creation Artistique, Gordes, France.