Prevalence of Ritual Portfolio
Prevalence of Ritual Portfolio
Prevalence of Ritual Portfolio
Prevalence of Ritual Portfolio
Prevalence of Ritual Portfolio
Prevalence of Ritual Portfolio
Prevalence of Ritual Portfolio
Prevalence of Ritual Portfolio
Prevalence of Ritual Portfolio

Prevalence of Ritual Portfolio

Normaler Preis $60,000.00 Angebot

The complete portfolio of Romare Bearden's "Prevalence of Ritual" suite. In 1969, the Art Workers Coalition (AWC) submitted a list of demands to MoMA in New York. Included in this list was the requirement that a "section of the Museum, under the direction of black artists, should be devoted to showing the accomplishments of black artists." To adhere to these demands, the first exhibition following their presentation was "The Prevalence of Ritual", a solo exhibition by Romare Bearden.