Fall of Jericho Etching | Red Grooms,{{product.type}}
Fall of Jericho Etching | Red Grooms,{{product.type}}
Fall of Jericho Etching | Red Grooms,{{product.type}}
Fall of Jericho Etching | Red Grooms,{{product.type}}
Fall of Jericho Etching | Red Grooms,{{product.type}}
Fall of Jericho Etching | Red Grooms,{{product.type}}

Fall of Jericho

Precio habitual $1,200.00 Oferta

"Fall of Jericho was commissioned by Vera List, Byrone, Connecticut, for her grandson Joshua Lincoln Mack's Bar Mitzvah in New York. It was mailed with the invitation to the guests." - Walter Knestrick, Red Grooms, the Graphic Work