Joan Miro's abstracted work features the work of Ruthven Todd, a twentieth century poet, and frames the poem with several abstract forms. Approved by the Association pour la Défense de l'œuvre de Joan Miró (ADOM) Poem Text: FOR JOAN MIRO Living now, under the same Spanish sky, I watch with wonderment the shapes that still Swell, flush or surge in paint or clay, From the unstemmable source. The wild will Remains uncurbed and now the dark starred night Holds more strange wonder than the farm(?) Did when first I saw, with all my first delight, Your early work, the paintings that could charm An ignorant schoolboy in a nothern city. Today I realize that all my adult life Has been entangled in your images, the witty The mournful and fantastic. The edged knife Of your imagination slices my unleavened mind. A whole world emerges from each expanding shape Where even an electronic microscope could not find A boundary: a place where every vision can escape From all confusing walls. Once more enchanted Is the explorer – me, in all my fondest dreams, Where all imagined wishes are so gladly granted, As you present your wanterings and your homes. Ruthven Todd 1 de febrero de 1966 Galilea, Mallorca