Mrs. Acrylic | Muffinhead,{{product.type}}
Mrs. Acrylic | Muffinhead,{{product.type}}
Mrs. Acrylic | Muffinhead,{{product.type}}


Regular price $3,000.00 Sale

Muffinhead has been an artist since the first time he was introduced to anaesthesia and visual hallucinations during an ear operation at 7 years of age and, as he puts it, has been hooked ever since... Born in Los Angeles on November 28, 1975, he has brought a variety of technicolor-mad and emotionally charged imagery to the worlds' attention. His proficiency in digital design as well as his sharp painting skill have brought him art scene notoriety in both the LA and NYC areas. Muffinhead currently lives and paints in the Brooklyn area with wife, burlesque star Amber Ray.